News 2019

IAM involved in Refrabund The DFG research group "Multifunctional, coarse-grained, refractory composites and material composites for large-volume key components in high-temperature processes" (Refrabund) involves the TU Freiberg as well as various sub-institutes of the IAM (AWP, KWT, WK).
Bertha Benz Award 2019 For her outstanding dissertation, Dr.-Ing. Almut Albiez (IAM-WBM) received the Bertha-Benz Prize 2019 during the Bertha-Benz Lecture at the SRH University of Applied Sciences Heidelberg.
Adolf Martens Prize Dr. Christian Greiner (IAM-CMS) was awarded the Adolf Martens Prize of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM).
New Research Training Group The DFG funds the new joint research training group on high temperature composites of the partners KIT, TU Darmstadt and DECHEMA. The spokesman of the research group "MatCom-ComMat" is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Heilmaier (IAM-WK).
Erwin Schrödinger Prize 2019 Dr. Susanne Wagner and Prof. Dr. Michael Hoffmann (IAM-KWT) received the research award for elucidating the properties of modern perovskite solar cells.

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Young Scientist Award At the "1st International Conference on Advanced Surface Enhancement" (INCASE 2019) in Singapore the contribution of Mr. M.Sc. Michael Seitz (IAM-WK) "Mechanical Investigations on Composite Peened Aluminium" (Authors: M. Seitz, K.A. Weidenmann) was awarded.