• Ansprechperson:

    Großelindemann, Cedric, M.Sc.

  • Projektgruppe:


  • Förderung:


  • Projektbeteiligte:

    TNO, University Twente, Shell, Sunfire GmbH

  • Starttermin:


  • Endtermin:


The research question is the maximum cell area to which solid oxide cells can be scaled-up before they reach a threshold above which the cells fail mechanically under operating conditions. The aim is to explore the cell area maximisation beyond the current state-of-the-art cell area of 300-400 cm2. This research question fits the focus areas of "Electrolysis", specifically analysis of electrochemical reaction systems. 

The project "SOE modeling: Exploring scale-up of cell size (Acronym: SOE mod)" (with project number KICH1.ED04.20.020) of the research programme ECCM Kickstart is financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).