Debora Brinker, M.Sc.

Debora Brinker, M.Sc.

  • Institute for Applied Materials -
    Electrochemical Technologies (IAM-ET)
    Adenauerring 20b
    Building 50.40 
    D-76131 Karlsruhe


Professional experience

  • Since June 2021: Scientific Assistant at IAM-ET
  • Nov. 2020 - May 2021: Graduate Assistant, Ruhr University Bochum (RUB), Chair of Thermal Turbomachines and Aeroengines (TTF)
  • Apr. 2020 - Sep. 2020: External Master Thesis at Forschungszentrum Jülich, IEK 14: Electrochemical Process Engineering, Title: “Development of a methodology for cost estimation of a methonol plant linked with a Power-to-fuel concept for small-manure plants”
  • Apr. 2018 - Mar. 2020: Student Assistant, RUB, TTF
  • Sep. 2017 - Dec. 2017: Internship at Pierburg Pump Technology GmbH, Neuss


  • Oct. 2018 - Oct. 2020: Master studies Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc.), Spezialization: Energy and process engineering, RUB
  • Oct. 2014 - Sep. 2018: Bachelor studies Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc.), Spezialization: Energy and process engineering, RUB


  • Project: H2Giga-StacIE
  • Generation of hydrogen with polymer electrolyt membrane electrolysis (PEMWE)
  • Development and construction of a PEMWE test bench
  • Electrochemical characterization and model development of PEMWE cells
  • Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
  • Analysis of the distribution of relaxation times (DRT)

Student Assistants

Aufgabengebiet Betreuung Bearbeitung Zeitraum
  • Preparation, conduction and analysis of measurements at test bench
  • Maintenance and improvements of test bench
Debora Brinker, M.Sc. and Gözde Kardes, M.Sc. Sangwon Shim as of 02/2025
  • Preparation, conduction and analysis of measurements at test bench
  • Maintenance and improvements of test bench
Debora Brinker, M.Sc. and Gözde Kardes, M.Sc. Christin Büsching 05/2024 - today
  • Implementation of mass spectrometer
Debora Brinker, M.Sc. and Gözde Kardes, M.Sc. Felix Stierle 12/2023 - 05/2024
  • Preparation, conduction and analysis of measurements at test bench
  • Maintenance and improvements of test bench
Debora Brinker, M.Sc. and Gözde Kardes, M.Sc. David Breuninger 10/2023 - today
  • Preparation, conduction and analysis of measurements at test bench
  • Maintenance and improvements of test bench
Debora Brinker, M.Sc. and Gözde Kardes, M.Sc. Paul Reinig 06/2023 - 09/2024
  • Software development
  • Electrics
  • Commissioning of different test bench components
Debora Brinker, M.Sc. and Gözde Kardes, M.Sc. Mika Schächinger 02/2023 - 01/2025
  • Commissioning of different test bench components
  • Creation of measurement scripts
Debora Brinker, M.Sc. and Gözde Kardes, M.Sc. Christian Rösel 12/2022 - 03/2023
  • Commissioning and built up of test bench
  • Preparation, conduction and analysis of measurements at RDE setup
Debora Brinker, M.Sc. and Gözde Kardes, M.Sc. Celine Kopp 10/2022 - 08/2023
  • Built up of test bench
Debora Brinker, M.Sc. and Gözde Kardes, M.Sc. Marvin Dorn 02/2022 - 10/2022


Publications and Conferences

Journal Article und Conference Proceedings

  1. D. Brinker, D. Breuninger, G. Kardes, P. Röse, A. Weber, "Pressurized Test Bench for Impedance Analysis of PEMEL-Cells", 27th EFCF, Proceedings
  2. N. Hensle, D. Brinker, S. Metz, T. Smolinka, A. Weber, "On the role of inductive loops at low frequencies in PEM electrolysis", Electrochem Commun, 155, 107585 (2023)
  3. L. Bühre, M. Mourali, P. Trinke, J. Brandt, D. Brinker, G. Kardes, A. Weber, B. Bensmann, R. Hanke-Rauschenbach, "Analysis of Kinetic and Ohmic Resistances in PEM Water Electrolysis through Reference Electrode Measurements", J. Electrochem. Soc., 171, 054518 (2024)
  4. D. Brinker, N. Hensle,  J. Horstmann de la Vina, I. Franzetti, L. Bühre, U. Andaluri, C. Menke, T. Smolinka, A. Weber, "Inductive loops in impedance spectra of PEM water electrolyzers", J Power Sources, 622 (2024) 235375


  1. D. Brinker, A. Weber, "Distribution of Relaxation Times as a Diagnosis Tool for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Electrolysers", GDE Symposium, Magdeburg,  05.-07.09.2022 (Poster)
  2. D. Brinker, D. Breuninger, G. Kardes, P. Röse, A. Weber, "Pressurized Test Bench for Impedance Analysis of PEMEL-Cells", 27th EFCF, Luzern, 05.-07.07.2023 (Presentation)
  3. D. Brinker, N. Hensle, T. Smolinka, A. Weber, "Performance Impact of inductive Loops at low Frequencies in PEM water electrolysis", 3rd Aachen Hydrogen Colloquium, Aachen, 14.-15.05.2024 (Presentation)