Design of highly stresses components


Contents of the lecture:

rules of common design codes

classical models for elasto-plasticity and creep

lifetime rules for creep, fatigue and creep-fatigue interaction

unified constitutive models for thermo-elasto-viscoplasticity

continuum mechanical models for damage at high temperatures

application of advanced material models in FE-codes


The students know about the rules of established design codes for the assessment of components which under operation are subjected to high thermo-mechanical and/or irradiation loadings. They understnd which constitutive equations are used according to state-of-the-art of technology and research to estimate deformation and damage appearing under these loadings and to predict expected lifetime. They gained insight into the application of these generally non-linear constitutive equations in finite element codes and can judge the major issues which shall be thereby taken into account.

Qualification: Materials Sciense, solid mechanics II

regular attendance: 22,5 hours
self-study: 97,5 hours

oral exam ca. 30 minutes

Language of instructionGerman

Viswanathan, Damage Mechanisms and Life Assessment of High-Temperature Components, ASM International, 1989.

Lemaitre, J.; Chaboche J.L.: Mechanics of Solid Materials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990.

Organisational issues

Die Vorlesung findet ab dem 08.11.2022 statt