Materials Science and Engineering II for mach, phys

  • type: Lecture (V)
  • chair: KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Maschinenbau
    KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Maschinenbau - Institut für Angewandte Materialien - Werkstoffkunde
  • semester: SS 2024
  • time:

    The appointments are announced via ILIAS.

  • lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Heilmaier
    Prof. Dr. Astrid Pundt
  • sws: 3
  • lv-no.: 2174560
  • information: On-Site


Ferrous materials

Non-ferrous metals and alloys

Engineering ceramics




Learning Objectives:

The students are able to describe the relationship between atomic structure, microscopical observations, and properties of solid materials.

The students can name representative materials for different material classes and can describe the differences.

The students are able to describe the basic mechanisms of hardening for ferrous and non-ferrous materials and reflect these mechanisms using phase and TTT diagrams.

The students can interpret given phase, TTT or other diagrams relevant for materials science, gather information from them and can correlate them regarding the microstructure evolution.

The students can describe the phenomena correlated with materials science in polymers, metals and ceramics and depict differences.

The students know about standard materials characterization methods and are able to asses materials on base of the data obtained by these methods.

Materials Science and Engineering I


regular attendance: 42 hours
self-study: 108 hours


Combined with 'Materials Science and Engineering I'; oral; about 30 minutes

The successful partcipation in the lab course is obligatory for the admission to the examination.

Language of instructionGerman

Vorlesungsskript, Vorlesungsvideos, Übungsblätter, Übungsvideos

Weiterführende Informationen gibt es hier:

J. F. Shackelford: „Werkstofftechnologie für Ingenieure. Grundlagen - Prozesse - Anwendungen“, Pearson Studium (2005)

A. Rösler, H. Harders, M. Bäker: „Mechanisches Verhalten der Werkstoffe“, Springer Vieweg (2016) (frei im KIT-Netz erhältlich)

G. Gottstein: „Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik: Physikalische Grundlagen“, Springer (2014) (frei im KIT-Netz erhältlich)

J. Freudenberger: „Skript zur Vorlesung Physikalische Werkstoffeigenschaften“, IFW Dresden (2004) (frei zugänglich)

Organisational issues

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