
The work is KIT Energy Center embedded in the Topic 3 - Energy storage and distribution and in the field of energy of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers (HGF) program  MTET (Materials and Technologies for the Energy Transition). As part of the Excellence Initiative, the KIT, the University of Ulm, the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg, and the University of Giessen jointly launched in 2019 the POLiS - Cluster of Excellence for Battery Research Post Lithium Storage launched, which is funded with 47 million euros over seven years. In this, the group is responsible for the area of thermal characterization and safety of Na and Mg cells, which are expected to provide higher sustainability, safety and storage capacity combined with lower costs. Within the umbrella concept "Research Factory Battery", the group is involved in the two competence clusters Battnutzung (battery utilization concepts) and AQua (analytics/quality assurance) with the projects BatgasMod (battery gas modeling) and AnaLiBa (analytics on Li-ion batteries). On a european level, the group "Batteries - Calorimetry and Safety" is an important partner in the horizon 2020 project HELIOS (High-pErformance moduLar battery packs for sustaInable urban electrOmobility Services).